數學系教師研究論文 2015
以下是本系師生 2015 內所發表的學術論文。
- Diaz, Manuel A.; Chen, Min-Hung(陳旻宏); Yang, Jaw-Yen. High-order conservative asymptotic-preserving schemes for modeling rarefied gas dynamical flows with Boltzmann-BGK equation.
Commun. Comput. Phys.
18 (2015), no. 4, 1012–1049..
- Lin, Yu-Chu(林育竹); Tsai, Dong-Ho; Wang, Xiao-Liu. On some simple examples of non-parabolic curve flows in the plane.
J. Evol. Equ.
15 (2015), no. 4, 817–845..
- Kuo, Hung-Wen(郭鴻文). Equilibrating effect of Maxwell-type boundary condition in highly rarefied gas.
J. Stat. Phys.
161 (2015), no. 3, 743–800..
- Cheong, Wan Keng(章源慶). From GW invariants of symmetric product stacks to relative invariants and threefolds.
Algebraic geometry in east Asia—Taipei
2011, 59–81, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 65, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2015..
- Liou, Jia-Ming(劉珈銘); Schwarz, Albert; Xu, Renjun. Weierstrass cycles and tautological rings in various moduli spaces of algebraic curves.
J. Fixed Point Theory Appl.
17 (2015), no. 1, 209–219..
- Wu, Kung-Chien(吳恭儉). Nonlinear stability of the Boltzmann equation in a periodic box.
J. Math. Phys.
56 (2015), no. 8, 081504, 11 pp..
- Wu, Kung-Chien(吳恭儉). Pointwise description for the linearized Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann model.
J. Stat. Phys.
160 (2015), no. 5, 1277–1293..
- Teo, Kok Lay; Wu, Soon-Yi(吳順益); Xiu, Naihua. Special issue on optimization and optimal control with applications for the 9th International Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (9th ICOTA), December 12–16, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan [Preface].
J. Global Optim.
62 (2015), no. 4, 615. 90-06.
- Hsiao, Jen-Chieh(蕭仁傑). A remark on bigness of the tangent bundle of a smooth projective variety and D-simplicity of its section rings.
J. Algebra Appl.
14 (2015), no. 7, 1550098, 10 pp..
- Zhou, Jinchuan; Xiu, Naihua; Wu, Soonyi(吳順益); Luo, Ziyan. Subderivative and subdifferential of dual gap functions in variational inequalities.
Pac. J. Optim.
11 (2015), no. 1, 177–193..
- Lee, Kuo-Ming(李國明). Inverse scattering problem from an impedance crack via a composite method.
Wave Motion
56 (2015), 43–51..
- Jiang, Dihua; Nien, Chufeng(粘珠鳳); Stevens, Shaun. Towards the Jacquet conjecture on the local converse problem for p-adic GLn.
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS)
17 (2015), no. 4, 991–1007..
- Cheng, Shun-Jen; Lam, Ngau(林牛); Wang, Weiqiang. The Brundan-Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for general linear Lie superalgebras.
Duke Math. J.
164 (2015), no. 4, 617–695.
- Hsiao, Y. L.; Shen, S. Y.(沈士育); Wang, Andrew M. L.. A hybrid finite difference method for pricing two-asset double barrier options.
Math. Probl. Eng.
2015, Art. ID 692695, 7 pp..
- Xing, Wenxun; Fang, Shu-Cherng; Sheu, Ruey-Lin(許瑞麟); Zhang, Liping. Canonical dual solutions to quadratic optimization over one quadratic constraint.
Asia-Pac. J. Oper. Res.
32 (2015), no. 1, 1540007, 21 pp..
- An, Jianbei; Huang, Shih-Chang(黃世昌). Maximal 2-local subgroups of F4(q) and Eη6(q).
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
219 (2015), no. 1, 101–120. .
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本頁最後修改日期:2016/06/03 |