數學系教師研究論文 2010
以下是本系師生 2010 內所發表的學術論文。
- Zhang, Liping; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益); Lopez, Marco A. A new exchange method for convex semi-infinite programming.
SIAM Journal on Optimization
20 (2010), 2959--2977.
- An, Jianbei; Huang, Shih-Chang (黃世昌); Yamada, Hiromichi. Uno's invariant conjecture for the finite symplectic group Sp4(q) in the defining characteristic.
Communications In Algebra
38 (2010), 3868--3888.
- Himstedt, Frank; Huang, Shih-Chang (黃世昌). Character tables of the maximal parabolic subgroups of the Ree groups 2F4(q2).
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics
13 (2010), 90--110.
- Peng, Jian-Wen; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益); Yao, Jen-Chih. A new iterative method for finding common solutions of a system
of equilibrium problems, fixed-point problems, and variational inequalities.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Article Number: 428293 (2010).
- Lin, Ching-Lung (林景隆); Nakamura, Gen; Wang, Jenn-Nan. Optimal three-ball inequalities and quantitative uniqueness for the Lame
system with Lipschitz coefficients.
Duke Mathematical Journal
155 (2010), 189--204.
- Lin, J. -Y.; Schaible, S.; Sheu, R. -L. (許瑞麟). Minimization of isotonic functions composed of fractions.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
146 (2010), 581--601.
- Lam, Kwan-hang (林君恆). Results on a weighted poincare inequality of complete manifolds.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
362 (2010), 5043--5062.
- Zhang, Liping; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益). Robust solutions to euclidean facility location problems with uncertain data.
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
6 (2010) 751--760.
- Lin, Ching-Lung (林景隆); Nakamura, Gen. Unique continuation property for a coupled second-fourth order dynamical system and its application.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
42 (2010), 2318--2336.
- Ke, W.-F. (柯文峰); Lai, K. F. (黎景輝); Zhang, R. B. Quantum codes from Hadamard matrices.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
58 (2010), 847--854.
- Peng, Jian-Wen; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益). The generalized Tykhonov well-posedness for system of vector quasi-equilibrium problems.
Optimization Letters
4 (2010), 501--512 .
- Huang, Po-Yi (黃柏嶧); Ma, Jun; Yeh, Yeong-Nan. Cyclic permutations of sequences and uniform partitions.
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
17 (2010), R117.
- Cheng, Shun-Jen; Lam, Ngau (林牛). Irreducible Characters of General Linear Superalgebra and Super Duality.
Communications in Mathematical Physics
298 (2010), 645--672.
- Chiang, River (江孟蓉), Karshon, Yael. Convexity package for momentum maps on contact manifolds.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology
10 (2010), 925--977.
- Li, Ren-Cang, Lin, Wen-Wei, Wang, Chern-Shuh (王辰樹). Structured backward error for palindromic polynomial eigenvalue problems.
Numerische Mathematik
116 (2010), 95--122.
- Pilz, Günter F.; Ke, Wen-Fong (柯文峰). Abstract algebra in statistics.
Journal of Algebraic Statistics
1 (2010), 6--12.
- Chen, Kun-Chu (陳坤柱); Wang, Chern-Shuh (王辰樹); Yen, Ching-Chang (顏清章). Numerical algorithms for the largest structured singular value of a mu-synthesis control system.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
14 (2010), 973--998. A Special Issue on recent advances in numerical methods for eigenvalue problems.
- Li, Tie-Xiang; Chu, Eric King-wah; Wang, Chern-Shuh (王辰樹). Asymptotic perturbation of palindromic eigenvalue problems.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
14 (2010), 781--793. A Special Issue on recent advances in numerical methods for eigenvalue problems.
- An, Jianbei; Himstedt, Frank; Huang, Shih-Chang (黃世昌). Dade's invariant conjecture for the symplectic group Sp4(2n) and the special unitary group SU4(22n) in defining characteristic.
Communications In Algebra
38 (2010), 2364--2403.
- An, Jianbei; Huang, Shih-Chang (黃世昌). Dade's invariant conjecture for the general unitary group GU4(q2) in defining characteristic.
International Journal Of Algebra and Computation
20 (2010), 357--380.
- Lin, Ching-Lung (林景隆); Uhlmann, Gunther; Wang, Jenn-Nan. Optimal three-ball inequalities and quantitative uniqueness for the stokes system.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, series A
28 (2010), 1273--1290. A special issue. Dedicated to Louis Nirenberg on the occasion of his 85th birthday edited by Luis Caffarelli, Yanyan Li.
- Jiang, DiHua; Nien, ChuFeng (粘珠鳳); Qin, YuJun. Symplectic supercuspidal representations and related problems.
Science China-Mathematics
53 (2010), 533--546.
- Ling, Chen; Ni, Qin; Qi, Liqun; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益). A new smoothing Newton-type algorithm for semi-infinite programming.
Journal of Global Optimization
47 (2010), 133--159.
- Zhang, Liping; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益); Fang, Shu-Cherng. Convergence and error bound of a d-gap function based newton-type algorithm for equilibrium problems.
Journal of Industrial And Management Optimization
2 (2010), 336--346.
- Dihua Jiang, Chufeng Nien (粘珠鳳), Yujun Qin. Symplectic supercuspidal representations of GL(2n) over p-adic fields.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
245 (2010), 273--313.
- Dong, Chongying; Lam, Ching Hung (林正洪); Wang, Qing; Yamada, Hiromichi. The structure of parafermion vertex operator algebras.
Journal of Algebra
323 (2010), 371--381.
- Chwan-Chin Song, Lung-An Li, Chong-Hong Chen (陳重弘), Thomas Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo. Compatibility of finite discrete conditional distributions.
Statistica Sinica
20 (2010), 423-440.
- Lee, Kuo-Ming (李國明). A two step method in inverse scattering problem for a crack.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
51 (2010), Article Number: 023529.
- Wen-Fong Ke (柯文峰), Johan H. Meyer, Gerhard Wendt. Matrix maps over planar near-rings.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics
140 (2010), 83--99.
- Liang-Chu Chang, Cheng-Lin Guo (郭成林), Chiung-Jue Sung. p-harmonic 1-forms on complete manifolds.
Archiv der Mathematik
94 (2010), 183--192.
- Po-Yi Huang (黃柏嶧). Stickelberger elements over rational function fields.
Journal of Number Theory
130 (2010), 199--212.
- Po-Yi Huang (黃柏嶧), Wen-Fong Ke (柯文峰), Guenter F. Pilz. The cardinality of some symmetric differences.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
138 (2010), 787--797.
- Chufeng Nien (粘珠鳳). Local uniqueness of generalized Shalika models for SO4n.
Journal of Algebra
323 (2010), 437--457.
- Satoshi Ito, Soon-Yi Wu (吳順益), Ting-Jang Shiu (許庭彰), Kok Lay Teo. A numerical approach to infinite-dimensional linear programming in L1 spaces.
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
6 (2010), 15--28.
- Sakai, Hironori. A construction of a Frobenius manifold from the quantum differential equation of a weighted projective space.
Riemann surfaces, harmonic maps and visualization, 137–-148
OCAMI Stud., 3, Osaka Munic. Univ. Press, Osaka, 2010.
- Bai, Zhaojun; Chu, Eric King-Wah; Lin, Wen-Wei; Wang, Chern-Shuh (王辰樹); Yang, Chao. Preface: Recent advances in numerical methods for eigenvalue problems.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
14 (2010), 5-6.
- Lopez, Marco A.; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益); Ling, Chen; Qi, Liqun. A mathematical programming approach to strong separation in normed spaces.
J. Convex Anal.
17 (2010), 211–-227.
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本頁最後修改日期:2012/02/14 |