數學系教師研究論文 2012
以下是本系師生 2012 內所發表的學術論文。
- Cheong, Wan Keng (章源慶). A note on a generalization of the multiple cover formula and the simple flop.
Communications in Algebra
40 (2012), 4575-–4587.
- Lin, Yu-Chu (林育竹); Tsai, Dong-Ho. Application of Andrews and Green-Osher inequalities to nonlocal flow of convex plane curves.
Journal of Evolution Equations
12 (2012), 833--854.
- Lin, Yu-Chu (林育竹); Tsai, Dong-Ho. Remarks on some isoperimetric properties of the k-1 flow.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics
260 (2012), 197--233.
- Lin, Yu-Chu (林育竹); Poon, Chi-Cheung; Tsai, Dong-Ho. Contracting convex immersed closed curves with slow speed of curvature.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
364 (2012), 5735–-5763.
- Peng, Chen-Chang; Lien, Wen-Ching (連文璟). Self-similar solutions of the Euler equations with spherical symmetry.
Nonlinear Analysis-theory Methods & Applications
75 (2012), 6370--6378.
- Feng, Joe-Mei (馮若梅); Lin, Gang-Xuan (林剛玄); Sheu, Reuy-Lin (許瑞麟); Xia, Yong. Duality and solutions for quadratic programming over single non-homogeneous quadratic constraint.
Journal of Global Optimization
54 (2012), 275--293.
- Lee, Kuo-Ming (李國明). Inverse scattering from a sound-hard crack via two-step method.
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Article Number: 810676.
- Long, Xian-Jun; Peng, Jian-Wen; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益). Generalized vector variational-like inequalities and nonsmooth vector optimization problems.
61 (2012), 1075-1086.
- Shiu, Ting-Jang; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益). Relaxed cutting plane method with convexification for solving nonlinear semi-infinite programming problems.
Computational Optimization and Applications
53 (2012) , 91--113.
- Tsui, Po-Hsiang; Chien, Yu-Ting; Liu, Hao-Li; Shu, Yu-Chen (舒宇辰); Chen, Wen-Shiang. Using ultrasound CBE imaging without echo shift compensation for temperature estimation.
52 (2012), 925--935.
- Huang, Po-Yi (黃柏嶧); Wong, Tsai-Lien; Zhu, Xuding. Weighted-1-antimagic graphs of prime power order.
Discrete Mathematics
312 (2012), 2162--2169.
- Tsui, Po-Hsiang; Shu, Yu-Chen (舒宇宸); Chen, Wen-Shiang; Liu, Hao-Li; Hsiao, Ing-Tsung; Chien, Yu-Ting. Ultrasound temperature estimation based on probability variation of backscatter data.
Medical Physics
39 (2012), 2369--2385.
- Peng, Jian-Wen; Wang, Yan; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益). Levitin-Polyak well-posedness for vector quasi-equilibrium problems with functional constraints.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
16 (2012), 635--649.
- Huang, Po-Yi (黃柏嶧); Lam, Ngau (林牛); To, Tze-Ming. Super duality and homology of unitarizable modules of Lie algebras.
Publications of The Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
48 (2012), 45--63.
- Chu, Eric King-Wah; Weng, Chang-Yi; Wang, Chern-Shuh (王辰樹); Yen, Ching-Chang (顏清彰). Conditioning of state feedback pole assignment problems.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics
16 (2012), 283--304.
- Lee, Kuo-Ming (李國明). A second degree Newton method in inverse scattering problem for a crack.
Journal of Mathematical Physics
53, 043503 (2012), 11 pages.
- Peng, Jian-Wen; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益); Wang, Yan. Levitin-Polyak well-posedness of generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems with functional constraints.
Journal of Global Optimization
4 (2012), 779--795.
- Xia, Eugene Z. (夏杼). Dehn twists and invariant classes.
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society
140 (2012), 1173--1183.
- Goldman, William M.; Xia, Eugene Z. (夏杼). Action of the Johnson-Torelli group on representation varieties.
Proceedings of The American Mathematical Society
140 (2012), 1449--1457.
- Huang, Po-Yi (黃柏嶧); Wong, Tsai-Lien; Zhu, Xuding. Application of polynomial method to on-line list colouring of graphs.
European Journal of Combinatorics
33 (2012), 872--883.
- Xia, Yong; Sheu, Ruey-Lin (許瑞麟); Sun, Xiaoling; Li, Duan. Improved estimation of duality gap in binary quadratic programming using a weighted distance measure.
European Journal of Operational Research
218 (2012), 351--357.
- Ke, W. -F. (柯文峰); Meyer, J. H.. Matrix near-rings and 0-primitivity.
Monatshefte fur Mathematik
165 (2012), 353--363.
- Himstedt, Frank; Huang, Shih-Chang (黃世昌). Dade's invariant conjecture for the Ree groups 2F4(q2) in defining characteristic.
Communications in Algebra
40 (2012), 452--496.
- Xing, Wenxun; Fang, Shu-Cherng; Sheu, Ruey-Lin (許瑞麟); Wang, Ziteng. A canonical dual approach for solving linearly constrained quadratic programs.
European Journal of Operational Research
218 (2012), 21--27.
- Yang, Shih-Wei (楊世偉). Combinatorial expressions for F-polynomials in classical types.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A
119 (2012), 747--764.
- Ho, Ming-Chih; Lin, Jen-Jen; Shu, Yu-Chen (舒宇宸); et al. Using ultrasound Nakagami imaging to assess liver fibrosis in rats.
52 (2012), 215--222.
- Tong, Xiaojiao; Qi, Liqun; Wu, Soon-Yi (吳順益); et al. A smoothing SQP method for nonlinear programs with stability constraints arising from power systems.
Computational Optimization and Applications
51 (2012), 175--197.
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本頁最後修改日期:2013/03/11 |