數學系教師研究論文 1994
以下是本系師生 1994 內所發表的學術論文。
- Chiang, T. S.; Chow, Y.; Lee, Y. J. Exact formulas of certain functional integrals on Wiener spaces.
Stochastics Stochastics Rep. 50 (1994), no. 3-4, 211--223.
- Lee, Y.-J. Transformations of white noise functionals and applications.
Stochastic analysis on infinite-dimensional spaces (Baton Rouge, LA,
183--196, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 310, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1994.
- D?ku, I.; Kuo, H.-H.; Lee, Y.-J. Fourier transform and heat equation in white noise analysis.
Stochastic analysis on infinite-dimensional spaces (Baton Rouge, LA,
60--74, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 310, Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow, 1994.
- Fong, Y.; Huang, F. K.; Wang, C. S. Group semiautomata and their related topics.
Words, languages and combinatorics, II (Kyoto, 1992),
155--169, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1994.
- Xu, Yong Hua; Shum, Kar Ping; Fong, Y. A decomposition theory of comodules.
J. Algebra 170 (1994), no. 3, 880--906.
- Luk, Hing Sun; Yau, Stephen S.-T.; Yu, Yung. Algebraic classification and obstructions to embedding of strongly
pseudoconvex compact 3-dimensional CR manifolds in $\mathbb C^3$.
Math. Nachr. 170 (1994), 183--200.
- Fong, Y.; Huang, F. K.; Wiegandt, R. Radical theory for group semiautomata.
Acta Cybernet. 11 (1994), no. 3, 169--188.
- Sheu, R.-L.; Fang, S. C. On the generalized path-following methods for linear programming.
Optimization 30 (1994), no. 3, 235--249.
- Hong, Yeou Ming; Huang, Young Ye. Fixed point theorems for nonexpansive mappings in nonconvex sets.
Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 18 (1994), no. 2, 29--33.
- Beidar, K. I.; Fong, Y.; Shum, K. P. On the hearts of subdirectly irreducible near-rings.
Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 18 (1994), no. 2, 5--9.
- Lee, Ying Chin; Hwang, Chyi; Shih, Yen P'ing. A combined approach to fuzzy model identification.
IEEE Trans. Systems Man Cybernet. 24 (1994), no. 5, 736--744.
- Ke, Wen Fong; Kiechle, Hubert. Automorphisms of certain design groups.
J. Algebra 167 (1994), no. 2, 488--500.
- de la Rosa, B.; Fong, Y.; Wiegandt, R. Complementary radicals revisited.
Acta Math. Hungar. 65 (1994), no. 3, 253--264.
- Fong, Y.; Veldsman, S.; Wiegandt, R. Corrigendum: "Radical theory in varieties of near-rings in which the
constants form an ideal" [Comm. Algebra 21 (1993), no. 9, 3369--3384;
MR1228769 (94e:16052)].
Comm. Algebra 22 (1994), no. 8, 3197--3198.
- Huang, Yen Kun. Ergodic theorems for random sets with density zero.
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 14 (1994), no. 1, 141--149.
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