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方永富 Yung-fu Fang
職稱 | 教授 |
電話 | 06-2757575 轉 65131 |
傳真 | 06-2743191 |
辦公室 | 數學系館 210 |
電子郵件 | yffang[at]mail.ncku.edu.tw |
個人網頁 | http://www.math.ncku.edu.tw/~fang |
專長學門 | 偏微分方程 |
學歷 | 馬里蘭大學博士 (1996) 台灣大學碩士 (1990) 清華大學學士 (1984) |
經歷 | 2020– 成功大學數學系教授
2005–2020 成功大學數學系副教授
1998–2005 成功大學數學系助理教授
1996–1998 馬里蘭大學博士後研究 |
論文選輯 |
- "On the Existence of Positive Solutions of a Semi-linear Elliptic Equation in R^n ", Chinese J. Math. 18 (1990), 353-364. (joint work with C.C. Chang)
- "Remarks on the Existence of Positive Solutions of Semi-linear Elliptic Equations in R^n", Chinese J. Math. 20 (1992), 69-77. (joint work with C.C. Chang)
- "Existence and Uniqueness for Boussinesq Type Equations on a Circle" , (joint work with M. Grillakis) Comm. PDE 21 (1996) 1253-1277.
- "A priori Estimates for the Wave Equations in 2+1 dimensions", 1996 (joint work with M. Grillakis) Comm. PDE 21 (1996) 1643-1665.
- "A Direct Proof of Global Existence for the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension", Taiwanese J. Math. 8 (2004) 33-41.
- "On the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension", Differential and Integral Equations 17 (2004) 1321-1346.
- "Low Regularity Solutions for Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension", Electronic J. Diff. Equations Vol 2004 (2004) No.102, 1-19.
- "Existence and Polynomial Growth of Periodic Solutions for KdV-Type Equations", Hokkaido Math. J. 34 (2005) 629-654
- "On a System of Dirac-Klein-Gordon Type in 1+1 Dimensions", Taiwanese J. Math. 9 (2005) 489-499 (joint work with T.S. Chen)
- "Local Existence for Semilinear Wave Equations and Applications to Yang-Mills Equations", J. Hyperbolic Differential Equations,2 (2005) 61-76.
- "On the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in Three Space Dimensions", Comm. PDE 30 (2005) 783-812 (joint work with Grillakis).
- "On the Global Existence of Rough Solutions of the Cubic Defocusing Schr?dinge Equation in R^{2+1}", J. H. D. E., 4 (2006) 233-257. (Joint work with Grillakis)
- "A Critical Case on the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in 1+1 Dimensions", Taiwanese J. Math. 12 (2008) 1045-1059. (joint work with Shiu-Chuan Hwang)
- "On a Bilinear Estimate of Schr?dinger Waves", RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B26: Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear PDE, May, 2011 p1-14.
- "The Fourth Order Nonlinear Schrodinger limit for Quantum Zakharov System", Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 67 (2016) 145-1-27. (joint work with Chi-Kun Lin and Jun-ichi Segata)
- "Low Regularity Global Well-Posedness for the Quantum Zakharov System in 1D", Taiwanese Journ. Math., 21 (2017) 341-361. (joint work with Tsai-Jung Chen & Kuan-Hsiang Wang)
- "Local Well-Posedness for the Quantum Zakharov System in 1D", J. Hyperbolic D. E., 14 (2017) 157–192. (joint work with Hsi-Wei Shih & Kuan-Hsiang Wang)
- "On the standing waves of quantum Zakharov system", J. Math. Anal. Appl. 458 (2018), no. 2, 1427–1448. (joint work with Jun-ichi Segata and Tsung-Fang Wu)
- "Global well-posedness and scattering for the quantum Zakharov system in L2", (joint work with Kenji Nakanishi) Proceedings AMS, Series B, 6 (2019), 21-32.
- "Semi-Classical Limit for Quantum Zakharov System" (joint work with Hung-Wen Guo & Hsi-Wei Shih & Kuan-Hsiang Wang), Taiwanese Journ. Math. 23 (2019), 925-949.
- "Local Well-Posedness for the Quantum Zakharov System" (joint work with Kuan-Hsiang Wang), Comm. Math. Sci. 18 (2020), no. 5, 1383-1411.
指導學生 |
畢業年度 | 姓名 |
2000 | 黃雅泙、 |
2002 | 陳彩蓉、 |
2004 | 施郁蕙、阮啟銘、賴仕峰 |
2005 | 黃家瑋 |
2006 | 林枝芳 |
2008 | 黃秀娟(博)、 |
2009 | 劉琪華(博)、陳彩蓉(博)、 詹智偉、李正一、羅聰賢 、陳致宏 |
2010 | 劉俊志 |
2011 | 蘇麗方 |
2016 | 張惟傑、方冠智 |
2017 | 梁惟捷(博)、王冠祥(博)、 張續寶、黃御庭、馬偉智 |
2018 | 林冠廷、黃冠傑、黃雅琳 |
2019 | 陳永祥 (碩),李景隆 (碩) |
2021 | 林連捷 (碩) |