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方永富   Yung-fu Fang

電話06-2757575 轉 65131


辦公室數學系館 210




學歷    馬里蘭大學博士 (1996)
台灣大學碩士 (1990)
清華大學學士 (1984)

經歷    2020–         成功大學數學系教授
2005–2020  成功大學數學系副教授
1998–2005  成功大學數學系助理教授
1996–1998  馬里蘭大學博士後研究

  1. "On the Existence of Positive Solutions of a Semi-linear Elliptic Equation in R^n ", Chinese J. Math. 18 (1990), 353-364. (joint work with C.C. Chang)
  2. "Remarks on the Existence of Positive Solutions of Semi-linear Elliptic Equations in R^n", Chinese J. Math. 20 (1992), 69-77. (joint work with C.C. Chang)
  3. "Existence and Uniqueness for Boussinesq Type Equations on a Circle" , (joint work with M. Grillakis) Comm. PDE 21 (1996) 1253-1277.
  4. "A priori Estimates for the Wave Equations in 2+1 dimensions", 1996 (joint work with M. Grillakis) Comm. PDE 21 (1996) 1643-1665.
  5. "A Direct Proof of Global Existence for the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension", Taiwanese J. Math. 8 (2004) 33-41.
  6. "On the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension", Differential and Integral Equations 17 (2004) 1321-1346.
  7. "Low Regularity Solutions for Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension", Electronic J. Diff. Equations Vol 2004 (2004) No.102, 1-19.
  8. "Existence and Polynomial Growth of Periodic Solutions for KdV-Type Equations", Hokkaido Math. J. 34 (2005) 629-654
  9. "On a System of Dirac-Klein-Gordon Type in 1+1 Dimensions", Taiwanese J. Math. 9 (2005) 489-499 (joint work with T.S. Chen)
  10. "Local Existence for Semilinear Wave Equations and Applications to Yang-Mills Equations", J. Hyperbolic Differential Equations,2 (2005) 61-76.
  11. "On the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in Three Space Dimensions", Comm. PDE 30 (2005) 783-812 (joint work with Grillakis).
  12. "On the Global Existence of Rough Solutions of the Cubic Defocusing Schr?dinge Equation in R^{2+1}", J. H. D. E., 4 (2006) 233-257. (Joint work with Grillakis)
  13. "A Critical Case on the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in 1+1 Dimensions", Taiwanese J. Math. 12 (2008) 1045-1059. (joint work with Shiu-Chuan Hwang)
  14. "On a Bilinear Estimate of Schr?dinger Waves", RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B26: Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear PDE, May, 2011 p1-14.
  15. "The Fourth Order Nonlinear Schrodinger limit for Quantum Zakharov System", Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 67 (2016) 145-1-27. (joint work with Chi-Kun Lin and Jun-ichi Segata)
  16. "Low Regularity Global Well-Posedness for the Quantum Zakharov System in 1D", Taiwanese Journ. Math., 21 (2017) 341-361. (joint work with Tsai-Jung Chen & Kuan-Hsiang Wang)
  17. "Local Well-Posedness for the Quantum Zakharov System in 1D", J. Hyperbolic D. E., 14 (2017) 157–192. (joint work with Hsi-Wei Shih & Kuan-Hsiang Wang)
  18. "On the standing waves of quantum Zakharov system", J. Math. Anal. Appl. 458 (2018), no. 2, 1427–1448. (joint work with Jun-ichi Segata and Tsung-Fang Wu)
  19. "Global well-posedness and scattering for the quantum Zakharov system in L2", (joint work with Kenji Nakanishi) Proceedings AMS, Series B, 6 (2019), 21-32.
  20. "Semi-Classical Limit for Quantum Zakharov System" (joint work with Hung-Wen Guo & Hsi-Wei Shih & Kuan-Hsiang Wang), Taiwanese Journ. Math. 23 (2019), 925-949.
  21. "Local Well-Posedness for the Quantum Zakharov System" (joint work with Kuan-Hsiang Wang), Comm. Math. Sci. 18 (2020), no. 5, 1383-1411.

2019陳永祥 (碩),李景隆 (碩)
2021林連捷 (碩)





方永富 教授
江孟蓉 教授
李國明 教授
吳恭儉 教授
林 牛 教授
林育竹 教授
林景隆 教授
林敏雄 教授
洪英志 教授
柯文峰 教授
夏 杼 教授
陳若淳 教授
許瑞麟 教授
郭鴻文 教授
彭勇寧 教授
黃世昌 教授
黃郁芬 教授
王辰樹 副教授
史習偉 副教授
連文璟 副教授
章源慶 副教授
陳旻宏 副教授
舒宇宸 副教授
黃柏嶧 副教授
劉之中 副教授
劉育佑 副教授
劉珈銘 副教授
劉聚仁 副教授
賴青瑞 副教授
蕭仁傑 副教授
楊劼之 助理教授
李宗儒 助理教授
關汝琳 助理教授


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