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連文璟   Wen-Ching Lien

電話06-2757575 轉 65123


辦公室數學系館 311




學歷    史丹福大學博士 (1998)
清華大學碩士 (1993)
台灣大學學士 (1991)

經歷    2002–         成功大學數學系副教授
1999–2002  卡內基美隆大學數學系助理教授

  1. M.H. Chen, Y.M. Lee, C.Y. Hsu and W.C. Lien, Self-similar phenomena in the spherical piston problem , Far East J. Appl. Math. 94 (2016), 105-127.
  2. S.Y. Ha, H.C. Huang and W.C. Lien, Nonlinear stability of spherical self- similar flows to the compressible Euler equations, Q. Appl. Math. 72 (2014), 109-136.
  3. Chen-Chang Peng, Wen-Ching Lien, Self-similar solutions of the Euler equations with spherical symmetry, Nonlinear Analysis 75 6370–6378, (2012).
  4. Wen-Ching Lien, Shih-Hsien Yu, Time-Asymptotic Interactions of Boltzmann Shock Layers in the Presence of Boundary. Indiana Univ. Math. J. Vol 57, No 4, 1501-1556(2008).
  5. Wen-Ching Lien, Maximal Mean Taylor Remainders of Functions, joint work with Fon-Che Liu, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Vol 29,No 2,79-97, (2001).
  6. Wen-Ching Lien, Stability of a Self-Similar 3-Dimensional Gas Flow, joint work with Tai-Ping Liu, Communications in Mathematical Physics , Vol 204,525-549, (1999).
  7. Wen-Ching Lien, Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with a Moving Source,Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol LII,1075-1098, (1999).





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