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劉珈銘 Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou
職稱 | 副教授 |
電話 | 06-2757575 轉 65121 |
傳真 | 06-2743191 |
辦公室 | 數學系館 322 |
電子郵件 | fjmliou[at]mail.ncku.edu.tw |
個人網頁 | http://www.math.ncku.edu.tw/~fjmliou |
專長學門 | 數學物理、複幾何、微分幾何、拓樸、分析 |
學歷 | 加州大學戴維斯分校博士 (2011) 清華大學碩士 (2004) 清華大學學士(2002) |
經歷 | 2018– 成功大學數學系副教授 2013–2018 成功大學數學系助理教授 2012–2013 希伯來大學耶路撒冷數學系博士後研究 2012–2012 法國高等科學研究院(I.H.E.S)博士後研究 2011–2012 德國波昂馬克斯普朗克研究所 (M.P.I.M.)博士後研究 |
論文選輯 |
- Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou, Albert Schwarz,: Equivariant cohomology of infinite
dimensional Grassmannian and Shifted Schur functions, Math. Res. Lett.
19, no.4, 1-10 (2012). Journal Link arXiv:1201.2554
- Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou, Albert Schwarz,: Moduli spaces and
Grassmannian, Lett. Math. Phys., 103, 585-603 (2013) Journal Link.arXiv:1111.1649
- Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou, Albert Schwarz, Renjun Xu,: Weierstrass cycles and tautological rings in various moduli space
of algebraic curves, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 17 (2015) 209–219 Journal Link arXiv:1308.6374.
- Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou, Albert Schwarz,: Weierstrass cycles in
moduli spaces and the Krichever map, Math. Res. Lett.
24, no.6, 1739-1758 (2017). Journal link arXiv:1207.0530.
- Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou,: Explicit solutions to the mean field equations on hyperelliptic curves of genus two, Differential Geometry and its Applications
Volume 56, February 2018, Pages 173-186 Journal Link arXiv:1603.03219
- Jia-Ming (Frank) Liou, Chih-Chung Liu,: An algebraic construction of solutions to the mean field equations on hyperelliptic curves and its adiabatic limit, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/proc/14054
Published electronically: May 15, 2018
Journal link arXiv:1705.08791
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