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何南國   Nan-Kuo Ho

電話06-2757575 轉 65122


辦公室數學系館 401




學歷    多倫多大學博士 (2003)
台灣大學碩士 (1998)
台灣大學學士 (1996)

經歷    2005–        國立成功大學數學系副教授
2003–2007 國立成功大學數學系助理教授

  1. Nan-Kuo Ho (with Chiu-Chu Liu), Connected components of the space of surface group representations II, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 16 (2005), 959-979.
  2. Nan-Kuo Ho (with L. C. Jeffery), The volume of the moduli space of flat connections of a non-orientable 2-manifold, to appear in Communications in Mathematical Physics.
  3. Nan-Kuo Ho, The real locus of an involution map on the moduli space of flat connections on a Riemann surface, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 61 3263-3285 (2004).
  4. Nan-Kuo Ho (with Chiu-Chu Liu), On the connectedness of moduli spaces of flat connections over compact surface, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 56 (2004), 1228-1236.
  5. Nan-Kuo Ho (with Chiu-Chu Liu), Connected components of the space of surface group representations, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 44 (2003).
  6. Nan-Kuo Ho (with Ngai-ching Wong), Space-filling curves and Hausdorff dimensions, southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 21 (1997), 105-111.





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