Colloquium | |
DATE | 2022-06-09 16:10-17:00 |
PLACE | 數學系館 1F3174教室 |
SPEAKER | 洪盟凱 教授(國立中央大學數學系) |
TITLE | Generalized Glimm Scheme and its Rrelated Topics
線上專題演講 |
線上專題演講 In this talk, we study the generalized Glimm scheme for hyperbolic systems of balance laws arising in many fields of science. First, the traditional Glimm scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws, which is invented by James Glimm in 1965, will be introduced. In the second part of the talk, we consider a new type of generalized Riemann solver and study the wave interaction estimates for the generalized Glimm scheme whose building block is the new generalized Riemann solver. Some further works will be addressed in this talk. 會議鏈結: 會議號:2516 007 7116 密碼:XMxReVkM584 |